Sunday, January 13, 2008

New member of the family soon

Here are the pictures of the soon-to-be latest member of our family. No name yet, but she is just sweet as can be. I sat down on the floor and she was the first puppy to come to see me and she just started chewing on my finger. Within moments, three other puppies were chewing on different parts of me, but this one was the cutest. She has more black than any of the other puppies. They were all fawn with black masks. The one we chose has black on her back and tail, and some on her chest. Look at her paws. She's only four weeks old, and look at those paws! She was the next to the largest female pup they had. Her dad is very large, but not much bigger than Brandy. Her mom was little, much smaller than Brandy, and we're hoping the puppy is on the large side. I mean, what's the point of having a Great Dane if the dog isn't big?

She just has the sweetest, wrinkliest face. I never saw a Great Dane this small before, and it's so hard to believe that in a few short months, the wrinkles will be smooth and this pudgy little dog will be a very graceful, regal looking dog (well, the graceful and regal will take more like a year or so). We can pick her up on February 8th, our oldest son's 17th birthday. We still can't agree on a name, but hopefully by the time we pick her up, we'll have settled on one. I like Sahara. My husband doesn't. Any ideas?


Laurie Unger said... sweet! I think she looks like a "Bailey!" That's what I would name her, anyway! Have fun with all the training coming your way! {giggle} As my DH would say, "I just love doggie breath" it's no wonder we don't have half a dozen dogs at our house.

Alicia said...

Oh! How sweet! I am horrible with names so I have no suggestions but I can't wait to see more pics once you pick her up! Awwww!

Unknown said...

She looks like a "Glenn" to me...

Lesa said...

She is stinking cute! I got on line and searched pet names and found one that had tons. I can't remember what site it was, but maybe you could try that. Have fun. I ended up naming my furbaby kitty (violet point siamese) Akysha. She is so sweet.

Anonymous said...

looks like a missi to me

Velta said...

Michelle ~ She is Beautiful!!! My best friend has 3 rescue Danes and is SUCH a Dane lover. This pretty puppy looks like "Abby." to me, my Australian Shepherd's name is "Piper" and my DD's Aussie is named "Lily." Good luck with the training...teehee :)

Michele Kovack said...

Congratulations! That face is the cutest!!!

ktstamps said...

OMG! That is the sweetest dog I have ever seen! OMG! Give her big hugs from me. I am so jealous but congrats on such a beautiful animal! AND, give her a big scratch on her neck! Thank you! kt

Anonymous said...

So cute! I have a basset hound I just love to death! If I could I would end up having 10 or 15 dogs!

AnnMarie said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! I waaaaaant one! That is the most adorable puppy face ever! I am such a sucker for baby things! How about Delaney or Gracie?! Hope you are doing well! Blog looks amazing, as usual! : )

Stampin' Meg said...

awwww- my heart is just melting! I LOVE big dawgs- we have a great Pyr and a lab.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sister. I posted a pic of my basset on my blog for you so go check him out when you get some time.

UrgentCookie said...

I'm sure your family will just love her! She is a sweety. :0)

Kerry Johnson said...

Oh Michelle - she's gorgeous! I want her now! I've never seen a Great Dane puppy before. about sticking with a theme - Brandy, Cognac, Bailey, some other kind of alcohol that refers to her colouring too!

JazzyH said...

Oh how cute!

Anonymous said...

awwww how sweet!!!!!