Sunday, August 10, 2008

Another short update

My MIL is kicking butt. Still hanging in there. Today, she was up and eating, talking, lucid. Her kidneys started working again and she knew where she is. The doctors have warned against false hope, but I still have some. If anyone has it in her to survive the unsurvivable, it's my mother in law. You'd need to meet this woman to fully appreciate how tough she is.

Anyway, thank you for the prayers and good thoughts.

1 comment:

ktstamps said...

WOW! The old gal is hanging on! Good to read your posts. Life sounds busy for you! Did you get the job you wanted?? It's been a long time since we chatted. You have always been in my thoughts and I hope you are doing well. You pictures, stories, and cards are beautiful. Thank you for sharing! kt