Sunday, June 24, 2012

It's been awhile. I don't know why it takes me so long between blog posts. I've been creating like crazy, making all sorts of interesting things. Like this jar for a Kids at Play jar swap.

I took an old salsa jar, dropped some beads and sparkly things in the bottom, then poured pouring medium in and let it dry. Pouring medium is an acrylic medium that is used to make acrylic paints pourable, but it dries clear so it was the perfect solution for capturing these little items and locking them in place.

Then I glued two little girls (cut out from collage sheets from ) to stems I saved from silk flowers I'd used for something else. I did the same with some little plastic princess buttons I'd gotten. Stars, a gown, a crown, a clear slipper.  I used E6000 glue, which grabs fast and dries quick. When it was all dried, I used a drop of glue and anchored each of the stems inside an alphabet bead and then to the bottom of the jar.

I poured a little glue down the inside back of the jar and put more sparklies in the glue to dry. I used my Big Shot and a Nestability to cut out a cover for the top of the jar, embossed it, then added two word magnets that say "Once upon a time" and "In the castle". There is a little castle button in between. Here is the lid:

I had a lot of fun with this. I love jar fairies, and this was jar fairy with a twist. I really had no clue I was going to make such a frilly, princess themed jar until I found the words for the top of the jar. Then I knew exactly what I was going to do with it.

Today I'm making sand bowls, something I found on Pinterest. Definitely a learning process. Mod Podge and sand mixed into a cement paste and poured over the outside of an upside down bowl. I think I'm going to have to spackle more sand mix on them when they dry because the sand kept running and there are going to be holes. I'll post a picture when they dry to show you how they turned out. If they turn out.

The next week, I will be on a houseboat with five other amazing women, but after that, I promise to post more often. Every two months isn't often enough.

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